Allocation de Rentrée Scolaire (A.R.S.)
The Back to School Allowance (A.R.S.) is paid by the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (C.A.F.) or the Mutualité Sociale Agricole (M.S.A.).
This financial support is intended to help families pay for major back-to-school expenses (school supplies, equipment, clothing).
To benefit from this aid, in addition to your means test, you must meet these criteria:
– One or more school children aged 6 to 18
– Children born between September 16, 2004 to December 31, 2016, inclusive
Amounts before revaluation:
11 to 14 years = €397.78
15 to 18 years = €411.56
Amounts after August 2022 revaluation:
11 to 14 years = €413.69
15 to 18 years = €428.02
The law of August 16, 2022, on emergency measures for the protection of purchasing power was published in the Official Journal of August 18, 2022.
Thanks to that, the A.R.S. which had already been revalued by 1.8% in April 2022, will benefit from a further 4% increase for the start of the 2022 school year.